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All sizes are in inches   1″(inch) = 2.54cm

Original oil painting by Lidia Wylangowska 

title:"Wild Vials"

size: w.24" x h.40"

material: oil on engineered wood, hanging hardware is included.

year of creating: 2024

catalog number:#380


I have been thinking about translating their delicate beauty into the language of painting for a long time. As usual, it takes a coincidence for something to happen.
While walking through the nearby forest, I couldn't help but notice them. Subtle, yet distinct, they mark their presence with drops of purple. If you look closely, they are like royal velvet robes.
And yet in this painting they represent minimalism and modesty for me. They are like two musical notes frozen in time and silence between what was and what will come.





#380 "Wild Vials" original oil painting/SOLD


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